Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sign The Apocalypse Is Near: Justin Bieber-Themed Summer Camp

"Roanoke County in Virginia has been offering pop culture-related camps this summer, including a Justin Bieber-themed day camp, officials say.

Nine young girls lived out their Bieber fever fantasies at a day camp at Roanoke County`s Green Ridge Recreation Center last week, The Roanoke Times reported.

For $75 each, the girls spent five mornings going through Justin Bieber trivia and choreography, and even played pin-the-lips-on-the-Bieber.


Evangelicals point to the earthquake in Japan, terrorist attacks and wars all over the world as signs of the End Times. But a Justin Bieber-themed summer camp is the only proof I need that the Apocalypse is right around the corner.

Parents who send their squealing daughters to the Justin Bieber summer camp are unfit to raise goldfish, let alone young girls. They shouldn`t be encouraging their daughters` Bieber obsession.

If I had an 8-year old daughter who was bonkers over Bieber, I would try to wean her from Bieber by giving her death metal and gangsta rap CD`s. There`s hope for a little girl who raps about "putting a cap in yo a**", but there`s no hope whatsoever for a girl who gushes over Bieber.



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